Friday, October 16, 2015

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1 Weeks Pregnant

Fetal Development In Week 1

It's been a momentous past couple of days - even if you don't know it yet.
At some point roughly 1.5-3.5 million sperms took aim at your fallopian tubes and one superior little seed hit the target spot on. The now-fertilized egg is currently in one of your fallopian tubes merging with the sperm to become a zygote, where cell division is occuring at an incredibly rapid rate.
Your little zygote will spend the next 7-10 days dividing and growing as they travel down to your uterus, where they'll nestle into your cozy blood-rich uterine wall.
The implantation process may result in a little spotting for some women, which is caused by the sloughing off of uterine wall at the implantation site. This is perfectly natural and not a cause for concern. When your little zygote is finally implanted, it is officially considered a "blastocyst" measuring about 0.1-0.2 mm.



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